Shredding & Screening
As a nationwide distributor of these services, we endeavour to provide the best quality of service available on the market.
Shredding Service
We can supply various styles of shredder depending on your requirements. Our high speed machines have large throughputs and can cope with materials such as garden waste, wood waste and bark.
Shredders are high power, high output units suitable for handling mixed quality material. They can be used in different industries from composting, forestry and construction. The machines we use can be combined with a screen to produce a fine or coarse grade material.
The product created by these machines can range from a very fine grade material utilising a 50mm screen through to a slightly coarser grade if composting is required with the advantage that minimum oversize material is left after screening. The larger material is handled with our powerful Doppstadt Bio, this machine can deal with anything from root balls to oversize garden waste.
Screening Service
Screening is a very specialised activity and it is important that the correct machine is used as material consistency varies. Our operators are experienced in dealing with diverse waste streams.
Screening is the final processing stage which removes contaminants before the end product is ready for use. Our trommel screens remove contamination such as, stones, metal, lightweight polythene, whilst grading the material to the required size. The trommels can be fitted with various screen sizes from 12mm to 40mm.
Our machines are fully mobile and can be transported to site using our bespoke 6 wheeled crane lorries.
01. We Design & Ship
02. Contract Or Install
03. Power Your Home
Waste Disposal Services
Our professional operations group conducts itself and manages your waste safely and compliantly from pick up to disposal. Our technicians and drivers complete the required shipping paperwork, check and label your containers and load them for secure transport. In addition to handling your waste, they can handle your projects. Their training and experience will bring your decon’s, demo’s and clean-ups in on time and on budget.
Waste Disposal
Sampling & Analysis
Waste Profiling
Bring To Us
Technical Sales Team
Our experienced sales team can manage your needs from quoting to contracting. Their backgrounds of profiling, lap packing, driving and project management allow them to effectively answer your questions, understand your needs and communicate those needs to technicians and project managers. They actively seek out the best options and provide you the customer service you expect.
Key Benefits
Latest Projects
Discover Independence Through Using The Power Of Solar Panels!
We offer products, solutions, and services across the entire energy value chain. We support our customers on their way to a more sustainable future – no matter how far along the journey to energize society with affordable energy systems.
- Reliability & performance
- Solar material financing
- In-time manufacturing
- 50% more energy output
- Built using ntype mono
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